Energy Efficiency Star Rating Tasmania
NatHERS Certificate for new residential home In Tasmania

Energy Efficiency Rating Tasmania , Building Energy Consultant provides NatHERS Certificate for new residential home In Tasmania,  NatHERS (Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme) plays a vital role in ensuring energy efficiency for new homes. Established in 2015, NatHERS aims to improve household comfort while reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with heating and cooling systems.

For new homes in Tasmania, NatHERS requires adherence to energy efficiency standards, typically assessed using a star rating system. Newly constructed homes undergo evaluation using approved software to determine their energy efficiency level. Presently, there’s a nationwide mandate that newly designed houses must achieve a minimum of 6 stars in their energy rating. This ensures that new homes in Tasmania contribute positively to energy conservation and environmental sustainability.

To obtain a NatHERS Certificate for a new home in Tasmania, homeowners need to engage with accredited assessors who are licensed by government authorities or accredited by Assessor Accrediting Organisations (AAOs). These assessors have undergone rigorous training and adhere to professional standards to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the NatHERS Certificate.

By complying with NatHERS standards, new homes in Tasmania can prioritize energy efficiency, providing residents with comfortable living spaces while minimizing their environmental impact.

How much does a NatHERS certificate or energy efficiency report cost?

While every project is different, Building Energy Consultant offer the following cost guide for NatHERS Certificates:


  • Single storey dwelling – $250.00

  • Double storey dwelling – $350.00

  • Duplex (single storey, both certificates) – $390.00

  • Townhouses and unit blocks – price on request


Please note, these prices are subject to confirmation upon receiving the architectural.

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